A Public Charity serving other nonprofits around the world


A quick & simple donation receiving process



Cryptocurrency is now SAME-AS-CASH

All nonprofit entities can now easily receive donations of cryptocurrency (coins/tokens) from anyone, just like cash.



NON-PROFITS AND CHARITIES: this page provides the basic info - you can find additional information using the main menu. Or skip to the fast-track with the simple 3-step process.

DONORS/CONTRIBUTORS: review the Donors section using the main menu, or if ready to take action use the simple online form, and we'll do the rest. Donations can be done to and from anywhere in the world (subject to regulations). 


The Crypto Donation Receiving Process  (see Simple 3-step Process for fast-track)

1. Take the first step

Receiving crypto currency has never been easier. Register as a beneficiary. It is totally cost-free, advertising-free, hustle-free.

2. Publish your donation code
Using the unique donation code and the corresponding QR code we create for you, donors can now donate coins & tokens to you. A donor/contributor selects your entity as the beneficiary, scans your unique QR code, and determines the amount of the donation.

3. Memorandum of Understanding
The beneficiary is not directly involved in this part of the process. A formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is prepared between the Donor and c2c, with the non-profit as the named beneficiary. The Agreement specifies the terms and details of the donation. If there are no special instructions, that document is prepared online in less than a minute.  

4. The Donated coins/tokens are processed
Our goal is to ensure that the beneficiary receives the maximum amount of money for each crypto donation to them. To do so, we use well-known, registered and trusted processors all the way through.  Our relationships with key entities in the industry allow us to get any kind of crypto currency exchange at the lowest cost possible. The outcome is what is called the Net Donation.

5. Funds disbursement
The named beneficiary gets cash. The targeted net amount disbursed to the nonprofit is 100% of the net donation. In some cases, the donor/contributor may want to see the donation distributed over a certain period of time. 

6. We Provide All Necessary Tax Deduction Receipts and Forms
Within 30 days of the completed transaction, the donor receives a document which may be used as a tax receipt (depending on the country's tax laws). Keep in mind that each country has different rules & regulations regarding donations in general, and about the cryptocurrency environment.  

7. Charity Pool
In the event a donor does not specify a nonprofit for the donation, Crypto2Charities will distribute the funds as mutually agreed between the parties (Donor and c2c), as for the amount, purpose and disbursement schedule. One or more beneficiaries fitting certain criteria may be selected, depending on the particular situation. The nonprofits registered with c2c become part of our Charity Pool.


See Infographics: Summary of How it Works

Cut to the chase: see the simple 3-step process

For more information or if you have any question(s), please email us, and our trained staff will guide you through the whole process. Email us...