A Public Charity serving other nonprofits around the  world


 A quick summary...

Simply, this online platform is to help you:

  1. Donate any cryptocurrency to any charity, NGO or NPO.  A 1-stop site allowing you to donate any recognized cryptocurrency to just about anyone, anywhere in the world. Just tell us what coin or token, and to whom - we'll do the rest.
  2. Help you find the right cause and/or beneficiary. We offer you a direct link to the world's largest online database of charities, NGOs and NPOs, with over 1.8 million listed entities at the present time. Just about any valid cause do qualify, in any country, whether listed in the database or not.

We are a public charity, totally not-for-profit, serving other charities and non-profit entities all over the world. Unless special handling is required, we do not charge any fees, therefore 100% of donations go to beneficiaries and programs. The beneficiary(ies) must be legit, and must benefit a need (not for individual wealth).


What if

  • You have no specific beneficiary? Or maybe you don't know who to give to but have a general cause in mind? It's simple: your donation goes into the Charity Pool.
  • You want to benefit more than one beneficiary? No problem. Tell us who are the intended beneficiaries (or causes) and we'll get it done.
  • You have something else to donate? You may have money, real estate, vehicle, boat, plane, insurance policy, or any other type of asset to benefit others? Go to renor.org or email us and tell us about what you would like to do.


About the Charity Pool

When a donation is made without a specified cause and/or beneficiary, the full amount goes to a fund that is then distributed among deserving beneficiaries based on specific criteria, either determined by the donor, or by us. Criteria can be one or more of the following: type of cause, status of entity, effectiveness of entity, use of funds, location, and other factors.

More info

See About Us

Contact Us

To contact us, please email us at admin@Crypto2Charities.org